Sunday, 29 June 2008

You Couldn't Make It Up

It's ridiculous. Really it is. And it stretches credulity to its absolute breaking point.

Men and women eh?

Both credited with the gift of speech, but communication between the two almost an absolute non-starter. No sign of any common ground at all.

In fact, no sign of any ground.

"I thought we were going to..."

"Oh yeah. I forgot...."

"Shall we next time? We could...."

"Maybe. Or perhaps we should..."

"Definitely. Or...."

You see, I wish I had something to tell you here. But it looks as though my complete lack of conversational skills are going to keep you waiting a wee while longer.

Cryptic, isn't it?

Or do you all understand it better than I do?


belle said...

Not good enough, Missus, I want more!!!

tsk, so impatient, I know *sigh*

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

Nope, haven't got a Scoobie Doo!

Anonymous said...

No, need more information, my brain is shutting down.

CJ xx

Manic Mother Of Five said...

What are you like............. I am all agog!

Mid-lifer said...

My brain HAS shut down! I'm back as you said I would be and need your

aims said...

I think I might understand...and how strange is that phenomenon?!

travelling, but not in love said...

ok, it's either a wedding a baby or a holiday. i hope it's a holiday....

farming-frenchstyle said...

Your husband is going deaf like mine. You start a conversation "do you want (he wont hear me so shut up)?
"Have you fed (he can't hear me, so shut up)?
"Shall I water (he's not listening, so shut up)?
Is retirement going to end in un-answered questions?

Anonymous said...

Highly cyptic - I'm agog!
I used to think that men were more straight forward than women and actually just said what they thought. I've since realised that this is a falacy.

the mother of this lot said...

Worringly, I find I undertand most of it.....

Pam said...

I am utterly lost, but then it sounds like a normal daily conversation with my husband. I thought it was because we knew each others minds but now I realise we're just too lazy to end a sentence.

belle said...

tagged you tagged you, ner ner ne ner ner! It's not a meme, it's a UU so pthththth!

menopausaloldbag (MOB) said...

I have an award for you at my place.

Miranda said...

Sorreee I've also tagged you. What a bore! Feel free to ignore it....